From December 12 to 13, 2022, KimboCare organized the Digital Health Hackathon at the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC) with the objective of enhancing digital health care in the Cameroonian health system.

The Digital Health Hackathon is a development competition organized by KimboCare with the aim of offering digital health solutions to African patients. KimboCare starts from the observation that technology has already proven its worth in improving the health conditions of patients. Indeed, the significant efforts of public authorities have not closed the gap that persists in access to quality care for vulnerable populations. Digital health is a powerful lever that can strengthen the various social determinants of access to care and accelerate the implementation of universal health coverage.

To date, approximately 47 young IT geniuses have expressed interest in digital solutions for healthcare and applied to participate in the Digital Health Hackathon. “Since we put out the call for applications, we have received 47 applications from all 10 regions of the country but also 10 challenges submitted by healthcare professionals. The challenges are actually problems that healthcare professionals face on a daily basis and for which they would like to have a technological solution,” said Romuald Nguemkap, Blogger and Project Manager of the Digital Health Hackathon.

“This is a long-term project because KimboCare already has a digital platform that saves lives through digital. Through this project, we first want to push young people to transform their knowledge into skills that can be used directly and practically in the medical and paramedical field,” he added.

For Dr. Nga Emmanuelle, a general practitioner resident in cardiology, it will also be a question in this Digital Health Hackathon to improve the signage within the medical structures so that patients can be easily informed of the different places and services that are in hospitals. “It will also be a question of finding a digital trick that will make the information or results of a patient more useful when they arrive in the hands of a health professional in order to protect the confidentiality of patient data,” she added.

KimboCare is generally used for real-time tracking of medical services delivered to a patient focusing on the quality of care and an exceptional patient experience in the hospital. At the end of this competition, a pair was assigned a theme on which they will expose this Tuesday, December 13, 2022 in front of a panel of handpicked jury members such as Professor Yunkap Kwankam, CEO of telenet, Professor Georges Bediang, holder of the chair of medical informatics or Mr. Mbeng Boum, General Manager of the Echos Santé group.

Various awards will be given including the best project which will be awarded with a sum of 100,000 CFA francs and a coaching program in entrepreneurship provided by KimboCare.

Albert BOMBA for Echos Santé